Dear Friends: On Wednesday June 1, I will be traveling from Berkeley, California to Bryant, South Dakota for a 12-week internship! I will be working with and for 12 different churches over the summer, spending usually 5 days in one location, returning to the Prairie Retreat in Bryant for two days to debrief and do laundry, then go to another church for 5 days.
It is my intent for this blog to post regular entries on my experiences, photos of the 12 churches I'll be working with and to share my journey. One of the goals of this Internship is to share knowledge about these various South Dakota churches, congregations, and communities with UCC and DOC Ministers-in-Training who might possibly want to apply for positions in South Dakota. So I will welcome your insights and questions which I can share with the folks I am visiting. Also, please share this blog with your UCC and DOC friends who might be interested.
I'll be attending the Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Conference of the UCC June 3-5 where I hope to meet many of the Pastors and Reverends who are participating in this Internship. This will be in South Dakota's capital city of Pierre. Looks like they have a great program lined up!
I am very excited about this opportunity and hope to share some really great experiences with everyone.